United Church of Christ
Godfrey, Illinois
"Come learn of me."
"All your children will be disciples of the Lord_
I will make peace abound for your children."
Isaiah 54:13
The Children's Moment
The Sunday Object Lesson
Sunday, December 8
10:00am - Worship Service
11:00am - Congregational Budget Meeting
Journey Sunday School Class
Sunday School
Coffee Hour
3:30pm - Christmas Family Day Activities
5:00pm - Christmas Family Day Dinner
No Youth Groups meet tonight
Monday, December 9
10:00am - H.I.S. Ministry
12:00pm - Men's Bible Study
Tuesday, December 10
6:00pm - Elders' Meeting
6:30pm - Deacons' Meeting
7:00pm - Consistory Meeting
Thursday, December 12
7:00pm - New Creation Rehearsal
Saturday, December 14
11:00am - 5S Monthly Get Together
Sunday, December 15
10:00am - Worship Service
11:00am - Journey Adult Sunday School Class
Sunday School
Cookie Exchange
Coffee Hour
4:00pm - Middle School Youth
6:00pm - High School Youth
Monday, December 16
12:00pm - Men's Bible Study
Thursday, December 19
7:00pm - New Creation Rehearsal
Sunday, December 22
10:00am - Worship Service
11:00am - Journey Adult Sunday School Class
Sunday School
Cookie Exchange
Coffee Hour
4:00pm - Middle School Youth
6:00pm - High School Youth
Monday, December 23
12:00pm - Men's Bible Study
Tuesday, December 24
7:00pm - Christmas Eve Service
11:00pm - Christmas Eve Service
Wednesday, December 25
Christmas Day - Church Office Closed
Sunday, December 29
10:00am - Worship Service
11:00am - Journey Adult Sunday School Class
Sunday School
Cookie Exchange
Coffee Hour
4:00pm - Middle School Youth
6:00pm - High School Youth

Welcome to Evangelical United Church of Christ
1212 W. Homer Adams Parkway
Godfrey, IL 62035
Evangelical School for the Young Years
Ages 3 and 4

Evangelical Elementary School
K - 8
Church Staff
“Jesus said, “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.”” – Mark 10:45
  • Administrative Assistant
    Libby Brame is always ready to answer your questions. You can call anytime Monday - Thursday 8:00 - 4:00 and Fridays 8:00 a.m 'til noon.
    tel: 618-466- 6077
    Libby's motto: "No problem"
  • Director of Youth Ministries and Christian Education
    Tim Sandifer has been leading our youth and directing our Sunday School programs since 2004. Our youth groups meet weekly and go on mission trips in the summers. He has also taught some religion classes in our school, Evangelical Schools - K-8 and Preschool ages 3-5yrs.
  • Director of Choirs
    Susan Parton-Stanard has been directing our Vocal and Handbell choirs since 2006. Her skill and enthusiasm is very contagious and our choirs are inspiring.
From the Interim Pastor's Desk
A letter to the congregation from
Pastor Tim Darmour-Paul

People of faith have often noted that one day of Thanksgiving each year just is not enough time to
express gratitude for all the gifts God provides. Thirty days of gratitude has become a popular
social media phenomenon, with people counting one blessing each day through the month of
Here at EvUCC, I will recognize November as a Month of Gratitude during our weekly Sunday
worship services.
On November 3, we celebrate All Saints Sunday, expressing gratitude for church members
among us whose earthly lives have concluded during the past year. Our saints include Helen
Krueger, Ray Graves, Becky Bierbaum, Harvey Lyerla, Shirley Schmidt, Duward Worley, and
Birdie Bockstruck.
We will recognize November 10 as Stewardship Sunday. We will not collect pledge cards,
but we will express thanks for the ability to make contributions that improve our families,
our community, and our world. Giving with gratitude builds trust in God’s continuing ability
to provide all we need.
On November 17, we will focus on the gift of forgiveness. We do not need to exhaust
ourselves in a never-ending pursuit of mercy because God has already given it! Gratitude for
grace energizes us for joyful service.
On November 24, I will be on vacation. Tim Sandifer will lead worship, perhaps geared
toward a traditional Thanksgiving service. It is also “Reign of Christ” Sunday, the conclusion
of the liturgical year, an opportunity to express gratitude for Christ’s sacrificial love which is
the power that will rule over the earth in the end.

Even a month is not really sufficient to count all the blessings of God. May we be able to sustain
grateful hearts throughout all the days of our living.
Rev. Tim Darmour-Paul
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